New Eproxy And Spark Vpn Settings For Mtn Mpulse Data Cheat

What's up guys! The previous KPNTunnel settings I shared for this MTN mPulse data cheat is still 100% working, but because thousands of TechpAddicts are using together, it is now getting slow. But Techpaded is back again with 2 new settings to power all your apps and browse on any website using eProxy VPN or Spark VPN.

 but because thousands of TechpAddicts are using together New eProxy and Spark VPN Settings for MTN mPulse Data Cheat

I'm here with the working settings and updated Config files, you can use any one you prefer. But first of all, you need to migrate and activate the MTN mPulse data plan if you haven't done so.

How to Migrate and Subscribe to MTN mPulse Data Plans

Simply dial *344*1# migrate to MTN mPulse.
-> For Weekly bundle of 350MB, send 350 to 344 to activate.
-> For Monthly bundle of 1.2GB, send 351 to 344 to activate.

You can confirm if you've successfully subscribed by dialing *344*2*2# to check the data balance. Now, it's time for the settings and importing Config files. If you know you can't do all these settings, checkout the MTN 1gb for N200. But to the strong men, let's do this 💪.

eProxy VPN Settings and Config File for MTN mPulse Data

-> Firstly, download eProxy VPN apk
-> Also, download the updated ePro Config file for MTN mPulse.

How to Import

  • Now install the eProxy VPN app and open it.
  • Click on the red colored ➕ button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Locate the Configuration file you earlier downloaded in the folder you saved it, then tap on it to import.
  • Lastly, once it successfully imports, click on the START button.

That's all guys! Wait for it to connect and you can start browsing and downloading. Meanwhile, please note that eProxy takes time to connect, so don't panic. Let's move to the next VPN.

Spark VPN Settings and Config File for MTN MPulse Data

-> Download Spark VPN apk.
-> Download Spark Config File here.

How to Import

  • Launch the Spark VPN app you earlier downloaded.
  • Locate the MTN mPulse Config file and tap on it to import.
  • Hit the Start button to connect.

It should connect within few seconds, then you can start browsing and downloading in blazing speed.


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